Gabriela Rodríguez Berón
Gabriela Rodríguez Berón grew up in Uruguay before moving to the US and has been a software engineer for almost 20 years. Gaba founded DATA, an open data non-profit in South America, was heavily involved at the Coral Project, building tools and guides to improve community spaces around journalism online. She is a member of the board of directors at Stumptown Syndicate, a non-profit that supports resilient, inclusive tech communities in Portland, Oregon, and facilitates the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain. Gaba is a feminist, activist, and mom to two kids.
Gabriela’s work on Source
Articles by Gabriela
Five Years in News Nerd Careers (Part II)
A state-of-the-community roundtable to celebrate Source’s five-year anniversary
Posted onMarking our five-year anniversary with a community roundtable on what’s changed since we launched—part two.
Con el objetivo de mover el avispero
Solidaridad y privilegios en la creación de historias de prensa
Posted onDurante Internet Freedom Festival (Festival para libertad en Internet apoyando derechos humanos en todo el mundo) al inicio de este año, Gabriela comenzó a facilitar una versión del taller que Valeria Aurora, de la iniciativa ADA y consultoría Frameshift Consulting, imparte para empresas en California. Intenta concientizar sobre la idea de solidaridad interpersonal y el trabajo de descubrir privilegios en nuestras propias vidas. Adaptamos este taller durante SRCCON 2017 para específicamente aplicarlo a nuestro trabajo en periodismo.
Aim to Misbehave: Allies and Privileges in Media Creation
Facing how we fit into systems of oppression, finding space to dream
Posted onA SRCCON 2017 workshop on privilege, journalism, and dreaming of something better.