Butter is the authoring library for Popcorn, an interactive video-editing tool. This version is a fork by BBGInnovate to create KettleCorn, a version of Popcorn specifically tailored for journalists. Visit the repo
Related article:
Forking Popcorn for a Journalist Audience
Browse Repo
- name
- ..
- project.js
- name
- ..
- test
- templates
- src
- resources
- media
- external
- css
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- logo-big.png
- logo-words.png
- popcornlogo-small.png
- struggling-dino.gif
- thumbnail-101.png
- thumbnail-bus.png
- thumbnail-lego.png
- thumbnail-make.png
- thumbnail-maps.png
- thumbnail-soundscape.png
- thumbnail-stopandfrisk.png
- thumbnail-ted.png
- thumbnail-tour.png
- thumbnail-wikihow.png
- name
- ..
- butter.ui.less
- buttons.less
- common.less
- controls.css
- dialog.less
- editors.less
- embed-shell.less
- embed.less
- globals.less
- header.less
- manual-test-styles.css
- media-editor.less
- normalize.less
- plugin-module.less
- project-editor.less
- super-scrollbar.less
- targets.less
- transitions.less
- tray-status-bar.less
- tray-timeline.less
- tray.less
- ui-states.less
- utilities.less
- webfonts.less
- webmakernav.less
- name
- ..
- ua-parser.js
- name
- ..
- html5shiv.js
- name
- ..
- big-loader.gif
- default-icon.png
- fb-logo.png
- feedback-icon.png
- glyphiconshalflings-alt.png
- glyphiconshalflings-dark.png
- glyphiconshalflings-green.png
- glyphiconshalflings-grey.png
- glyphiconshalflings-white.png
- link.png
- map.png
- media-icons.png
- media-white.png
- media.png
- persona-logo.png
- soundcloud-small.png
- spinny-error.gif
- spinny.gif
- ticket.png
- name
- ..
- controls.html
- editor-area.html
- header.html
- logo-spinner.html
- media-editor.html
- media-instance.html
- media-url.html
- plugin-list-editor.html
- project-editor.html
- sequencer-editor.html
- status-area.html
- super-scrollbar.html
- timeline-area.html
- track-handle.html
- trackevent-editor-defaults.html
- trackevent.html
- tray.html
- ui-kit.html
- warn.html
- name
- ..
- sequencer.js
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- core-trackevent
- core-track
- core-target
- core-scripts
- core-player
- core-media
- core-import_export
- core-dialog
- core-dependency
- core-debug
- sample.oga
- saved-data-0000.json
- test-after.js
- test-before.js
- test-config-auto-load-2.json
- test-config-auto-load.json
- test-config-core.json
- test-css.css
- test-init.js
- test-override-config.json
- test-script.js
- test-simple-config.json
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- index.html
- name
- ..
- EventUtils.js
- name
- ..
- index.html