Things You Made, March 28
Interactive features, project breakdowns, and best practices

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The next Source community call will be April 6 at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET and will be awesome. Learn more about our regular calls and subscribe to the calendar so you never miss one again.
Pitch a SRCCON Session by April 7
SRCCON will be August 3 and 4 in Minneapolis: two days of peer-led conversations and hands-on workshops. It brings together developers, designers, and editors in newsrooms—and we welcome perspectives from folks outside of the newsroom, too. Pitch us a session, won’t you? Here’s our pitching guide.
What You’ve Been Making
A roundup of journalism and code projects from the last few weeks.
Before and After Chuck Berry
(New York Times, March 26, 2017)
A painstakingly assembled audio tour of influences flowing into and out of Berry’s work.
Rise of the Border Wall Shows There Is More That Divides Us
(Financial Times, March 26, 2017)
A survey of physical barriers at borders around the world.
Flight Paths Change Dramatically when Donald Trump Is in Palm Beach
(Sun Sentinel, March 24, 2017)
An analysis and map of flight-path alterations on weekends when the president is at Mar-a-Lago, and when he’s not.

No Trump (L); yes Trump (R).
How Russell Westbrook can Average a Triple-Double
(The Pudding, March 8, 2017)
Explorable scenarios analyzing what NBA player Russell Westbrook needs to do to average a triple-double for the season—something no player has achieved since 1962.
Beyond the Blade
(The Guardian, March 28, 2017)
The beginning of a year-long project to document the lives and deaths of UK children killed with knives in 2017.
Even More
An essay on plainness and sweetness in design, podcasts without apps, a talk on why we visualize data, the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer, and the Bureau of Transportation’s Transportation Noise Map.

From Rost’s “Why Do We Visualize Data?” talk
Recently on Source
Erin Kissane
Editor, Source, 2012-2018.
Lindsay Muscato
Editor of Source from 2015-2020