Things You Made, Jan 31
Interactive features, project breakdowns, best practices, and updates
Source via Voice
The next Source community call will be Feb 8 at 9am PT/12pm ET—it’s like a podcast but with phones! And live note-taking. Learn more about our regular calls and subscribe to the calendar so you never miss one again.
So Many Source Guides
Also! Our collection of Source guides—cheatsheet/syllabus combinations from all over our community—is growing. Coming out of last year's SRCCON:WORK, we've added one on hiring and careers. Guides also cover topics like speaking securely with sources, wrangling data sets, making charts, and much more. Each Guide links to helpful and essential resources and Source articles. You should just go read all of them.
Things You Made
Recent projects and pieces that felt noteworthy—this week we especially focused on interactives and investigations that tracked the evolution of an issue over time.
Out of Balance: An IndyStar Investigation into USA Gymnastics
(IndyStar, ongoing)
The investigation that brought down Larry Nassar and has revealed a widespread policy of USA Gymnastics ignoring sexual abuse allegations.
40 Days of Devastation
(Los Angeles Times, Jan 23, 2018)
An interactive look at the cycle of widespread destruction related to the Thomas Fire.
You Draw It: How Has N.J. Changed Under Christie?
(NJ.com, Jan 11, 2018)
Guess the change you thought you saw in the world.
Bussed Out
(Guardian, Dec 20, 2017)
An 18-month investigation into homelessness, with elegant graphics and looping video.

Forsaken Egypt: Poverty Darkens Southern Illinois’ Beautiful Ohio River Valley region
(The Southern Illinoisan, Nov 12, 2017)
Maps and photography work together, creating a portrait of change.
The Planet Just Had Its Hottest 4 Years in Recorded History
(Washington Post, Jan 18, 2018)
Showing the hot, hot heat.
What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised?
(ProPublica, Jan 29, 2018)
Mapping jobs promised (2.4 million) against jobs actually created (63,000), using ProPublica’s Wee People font of human silhouettes.
We Were So Glad We Read These
Cut down database imports by a third using this one weird trick. How Outside Magazine got to be badass online. Resources from Mozfest 2017 on decentralization, in journalism and elsewhere. The limits of empathy in VR. Corporate pressure in Romanian media. The Little America project. NYPL’s digital map collection has all these new additions. What Chicago really thinks of its media coverage. Improving Represent, a ProPublica database that tracks Congress. A beautiful snowy drive through Alice Munro Country.
P.S.—This Roundup Also Comes in Email Flavor
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Lindsay Muscato
Editor of Source from 2015-2020