Things You Made, Aug 23
New journalism code projects, plus updates from OpenNews
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The next Source community call will be Thursday, August 29 at 9am PT/12pm ET and will be excellent. Learn about our regular calls and subscribe to the calendar. You can also listen to other recent calls in our archive.
What You’ve Been Making
A roundup of journalism and code projects that you may have missed recently. This week we’re bringing you a few projects that show how the lives and experiences of individual humans add up to a broader pattern.
Homicide Report, by the Houston Chronicle
(Houston Chronicle/Chron.com, Aug 21, 2019)
Data journalist Stephanie Lamm says: “It’s inspired by the efforts of several other newsrooms, including the LA Times, Baltimore Sun, Palm Beach Post and others….We took a lot of components from other organizations’ projects but tried to put our own spin on it. This was put together by a small team over the course of six or eight months. With it, we are completely changing how we cover homicides here at the paper. Now, calling the next-of-kin and getting photos of the victims is a key part of that workflow.”
Living #Ferguson
(St. Louis Public Radio, Aug 8, 2019)
A beautiful and nuanced oral history of five years post-Ferguson, divided into browsable chapters.
Dozens of convicted criminals have been hired as cops in rural Alaska. Sometimes, they’re the only applicants.
(Anchorage Daily News/ProPublica, July 18, 2019)
Part of the Lawless series, investigating sexual violence in Alaska. Like the rest of the series, it delves into the personal impacts of broader structural issues, showing the interlocking factors that put Alaskans in harm’s way.
What do migrants experience when they request asylum at the Texas-Mexico border?
(Texas Tribune, July 22, 2019)
Combines data and reporting with an illustrated user flow that gives a clear picture of a tangled system.
Even More Things
Mapping weather in Alaska, tracking new fires in California, and, oh, the sea is full of plastic. An issue devoted to speculative fiction as journalism, from High Country News. The Accountability project is a new resource for public data. An overview of Sarah Kliff’s work investigating healthcare billing. A Q&A on transforming open data on earthquakes into disaster-readiness narratives, with the LA Times. Tips from Becca Aaronson on breaking down newsroom siloes and creating a more innovative culture. Flying over the New Jersey shore, to see all the people.
P.S.—This Roundup Also Comes in Email Flavor
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Lindsay Muscato
Editor of Source from 2015-2020