Source Project Roundup, Feb 11
Interactive features, data journalism, and best practices
Here’s a roundup of our favorite projects and pieces from the past couple of weeks, all worthy of another look.
Policing the Future
The Marshall Project, The Verge (February 3, 2016)
What happens when police departments put “cops on dots”? Explore the technical underpinnings and moral dilemmas of policing based on crime maps. Includes clear, elegant graphics and a beautiful explainer video.
Who Voted in New Hampshire, and How
Wall Street Journal (February 9, 2016)
This graphic chops a ton of exit poll data from New Hampshire into manageable, illuminating bits and pieces.
John Kasich-related TV ads have aired in New Hampshire an average of 44 times a day this month
Cleveland.com (February 8, 2016)
Cleveland.com, using data from the Political TV Ad Archive, tallied just how many times Ohio Gov. John Kasich was appearing on the airwaves. Here’s a sampling of more stories using the archive, from other outlets.
How Much Are Restaurant Chains Donating to Republicans and Democrats?
Eater (February 8, 2016)
Check out how 14 leading restaurant chains are spending their cash on candidates. Yum.
Experience Big Air
Boston Globe (February 8, 2016)
Watch out: this interactive starts right at the top of a snowboard ramp. It’s a fun way to explain how snowboarders do their thing, in advance of a massive snowboarding competition, which takes over Fenway Park this week.

Portraits of a Trump Supporter
Reveal (February 1, 2016)
This analysis of Trump supporters humanizes a slew of cold numbers by including snapshots and audio from the humans behind the stats.
What Your Favorite ‘L’ Seat Says About You: See If Your Seat Is in Demand
DNAinfo Chicago (February 9, 2016)
This interactive takes something as opaque as CTA train car design and makes it a tangible, clickable interactive. It also proves that Chicagoans really like to spread out.

Show Turnbull How It’s Done: Make Your Own Tax Reforms
The Guardian (February 9, 2016)
It’s not just for prime ministers anymore: now you can experiment with tax reform, too. This calculator encourages conversation, and points to hard questions about big tradeoffs.

Even more things

Here are nearly 3 million Simpsons screencaps, searchable by keyword.
This Twitter bot simulates immigration checks based on Arizona traffic stop data. Follow to get pulled over.
Where is the internet we were promised? Colossal says it’s in this interactive exhibit of Bosch’s “Garden of Early Delights.”
Battling flu season? Eat your soup, like the rest of everyone, says the New York Times.
On our last OpenNews community call, we talked to Dan Schulz about building the Political TV Ad Archive, a giant database of broadcast television. Here’s more, from the call notes. And have you joined the Coral Project community yet? Come onboard.
Lindsay Muscato
Editor of Source from 2015-2020