Event Roundup, Sept 30
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines

Hacks/Hackers Santiago is hosting a second hackathon focused on radio technology. (Image: Hacks/Hackers Santiago Meetup page)
- October 5: Radiotón 2: Continuamos hackeando la radio con tecnología lo fi (Santiago, Chile)
- October 8: DIY data gathering: Tools to help you get and use the data you want (Philadelphia, PA)
- October 10: Hacks/Hackers Helsinki: Tietoturva ja journalismi (Helsinki, Finland)
- October 10: October Meetup - Current Projects and Open Hack (Rochester, NY)
- October 12-15: Global Investigative Journalism Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- October 16: Nieman night: Impact of digital and social media in Latin America, India, China (Boston, MA)
- October 17: Hacks/Hackers MTL demo night (Montreal, Quebec)
- October 17-19: Online News Association Conference (Atlanta, GA)
- October 25-27: Mozilla Festival (London, UK)
- November 7-9: How can Pirates & Capitalists, Hackers & Journalists, Amateurs & Pros work together? (Berlin, Germany)
- November 8-9: Hacktucky (Louisville, KY)
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.