Event Roundup, Oct 12
Upcoming Journalism Code Events and Deadlines

This weekend in London, Redecentralize will feature discussion and sessions on openness on the web. A couple Knight-Mozilla Fellows will be there, say hi!
- October 13: Hyper Haze Hack - One day hackathon to beat the haze! (Singapore)
- October 13: Taller de visualización y estructuración de datos (I) (Bogotá, Colombia)
- October 17: Newsplosion! (New York, NY)
- October 17-18: Redecentralize Conference (London, UK)
- October 19: NewsGames meetup: Syria edition (London, UK)
- October 20: Data Driven Investigation (Dublin, Ireland)
- October 20: Adventures in Media Innovation (Austin, TX)
- October 21: Meet The New Tropic Founders (Miami, FL)
- October 22: Journocoders workshop: Building Twitter bots at the Guardian (London, UK)
- October 22-24: UN|COMMONS (Berlin, Germany)
- October 25: Journocoders Weekend Hangout (London, UK)
- October 28: Crypto 101 - Communications securisées pour journalistes (Montreal, Quebec)
- October 30: Transforming Journalism Through Interactivity at The Wall Street Journal (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- November 2: Hacks/Hackers November Meetup (Hong Kong)
- November 4: The Media Society: Data Journalism-Mapping the Future DATA (London, UK)
- November 6-8: Mozilla Festival (London, UK)
- November 12: Ethical Hacking (Miami, FL)
- October 15: Last day to apply for the National Press Foundation’s Best Use of Technology In Journalism Award
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.