Event Roundup, Feb 2
Upcoming Journalism Code Events and Deadlines

New York Public Library Labs joins forces with two projects from Knight-Mozilla fellows—Tabula and CivOmega—for a civic data hack day.
- February 3: ONADC: Power to Fly (Washignton, DC)
- February 5: Hacks/Hackers HKI esittää: Juha Nurmi & Tuukka Ruotsalo: Vapise, Google! (Helsinki, Finland)
- February 7: NYPL Labs Civic Data Hack Day (New York, NY)
- February 9-13: OSGeo Code Sprint (Philadelphia, PA)
- February 13-14: Media Party Miami (Miami, FL)
- February 24: Media Hack Night (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- February 27-March 1: Journalism School Hackathon at Arizona State (Phoenix, AZ)
- March 5-8: National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting Conference (Atlanta, GA)
- March 6: ONA London: Mobile (London, UK)
- February 2: Deadline to propose a session to OSCON 2015
- February 6: Deadline to propose a session to Investigative Reporters and Editors conference
- February 20: Deadline to apply to ONA-Poynter Leadership Academy for Women in Digital Media
- March 7: Deadline to propose a session to Open Source Bridge
- April 10: Deadline to enter the Data Journalism Awards
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.