Event Roundup, Dec 5
Upcoming journalism code events and deadlines
- December 5: What will 2017 bring for the news industry? (Dublin, Ireland)
- December 5: Information security for journalists (San Francisco, CA)
- December 6: The Nightmare.js before Christmas (London, UK)
- December 6: Data Journalism at the Los Angeles Times (Northampton, MA)
- December 7: Celebrating Civic Tech & Data Journalism 2016 Highlights (Nairobi, Kenya)
- December 7: 1 Jahr piqd, Facebook-Bots und Prognose-Tools nach Trump (Munich, Germany)
- December 7: ONA Pittsburgh: Freelancing in the new media landscape (Pittsburgh, PA)
- December 9: ONA Alaska: December meetup (Anchorage, AK)
- December 19: Think outside the box (Florence, Italy)
- December 7: Last day to apply for Replication Sprint for government transparency in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans
- January 2: Last day to apply for Medill graduate scholarship and internship program
- February 1: Last day for U.S. applicants to the Knight-Wallace Fellowship
Know of any upcoming fellowship or conference proposal deadlines? Have an upcoming event? Let us know: source@opennews.org.
Erika Owens
Co-Executive Director of OpenNews.