
Projects walkthroughs, tool teardowns, interviews, and more.

  1. Sincerely, Leaders of Color: Burnout culture is everywhere

    By P. Kim Bui

    Posted on

    But it starts at the top, and you need to have a hand in the solution.

  2. Sincerely, Leaders of Color: Being more inclusive with your references

    By Brian De Los Santos

    Posted on

    We all have to stop assuming everyone understands language, or references. It’s alienating.

  3. Sincerely, Leaders of Color: Dear imposter syndrome…

    By Emma Carew Grovum

    Posted on

    For leaders, dealing with imposter syndrome means gently pushing our people into seeing their own success.

  4. Sincerely, Leaders of Color: To whom it may concern

    By P. Kim Bui and Emma Carew Grovum

    Posted on

    Sincerely, Leaders of Color is written for everyone in the journalism industry who cares about creating a more supportive environment for journalists of color to do their best work.

  5. We unionized the digital team at The Seattle Times. You can do it too.

    By Michelle Baruchman

    Posted on

    The digital journalists at The Seattle Times recently unionized, joining their newsroom peers in the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Guild. This is a diary of that process: their timeline, resources they relied on, and decision points you might face as you consider a organizing effort in your own newsroom.

  6. Exit Interviews: Phoebe Gavin

    By Phoebe Gavin

    Posted on

    Part of an occasional series offering feedback for journalism as an industry, through observations from news nerds who have recently left the field and still love it.

  7. What kind of change could we create, if we truly came together?

    By Sisi Wei

    Posted on

    We heard repeatedly in 2020 that people wanted a space dedicated to anti-racism and equity work, where they could also share working knowledge and ask questions. So many people scattered across journalism organizations are already trying to make their newsrooms anti-racist and equitable — what kind of changes could we bring about if we worked together, shared knowledge together, took action together, and helped each other?

  8. Cultivating innovation and cultural change through product leadership

    By Meagan Fleming and Giselle Kowalski

    Posted on

    We’re excited to share highlights from the first News Product Alliance Summit.

  9. Lessons from Latin America on news product innovation and fighting misinformation

    By Rjaa Ahmed and Teresa Mondría Terol

    Posted on

    We’re excited to share highlights from the first News Product Alliance Summit.

  10. Understanding the role of product leadership in a news organization

    By Giselle Kowalski and Tatyana Monnay

    Posted on

    We’re excited to share highlights from the first News Product Alliance Summit.

  11. Introducing product capabilities in your news organization

    By Rjaa Ahmed and Tatyana Monnay

    Posted on

    We’re excited to share highlights from the first News Product Alliance Summit.

  12. Exit Interviews: Sara Simon

    By Sara Simon

    Posted on

    Part of an occasional series offering feedback for journalism as an industry, through observations from news nerds who have recently left the field and still love it.

  13. Exit Interviews: Aaron Williams

    By Aaron Williams

    Posted on

    Part of an occasional series offering feedback for journalism as an industry, through observations from news nerds who have recently left the field and still love it.

  14. How California newsrooms teamed up to gather pandemic data

    By Vignesh Ramachandran

    Posted on

    Data journalists from eight California newsrooms all benefit from a joint data-collection effort. Here’s how the collaboration works to free up more time for local journalism.

  15. The conversations local newsrooms should be having about COVID-19 coverage

    By Ryan Pitts

    Posted on

    We spent August and September in conversation with local journalists covering COVID-19, asking what they need most

  16. Meet the Baconator

    By Frank Sharpe

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    How ProPublica developed a caching technique that isn’t exactly a static site generator but retains many of the benefits of one, allowing them to retain the CMS workflows they love.

  17. Watch Parties: Reaching New Audiences, and a New Place of Vulnerability

    By Sisi Wei

    Posted on

    How we planned and ran the SRCCON 2020 Watch Parties

  18. COVID-19 story recipe: A dashboard with at-risk health indicators

    By Dana Amihere, Alexandra Kanik, Lisa Pickoff-White, and Emily Zentner

    Posted on

    We teamed up to build a dashboard that shows two kinds of data: how widespread COVID–19 is in a community, alongside health indicators that show how some people are more at risk. We’ve open-sourced the project so you can use it too.

  19. Introducing ‘Leavers’: results from a survey of 101 former journalists of color

    By Carla Murphy

    Posted on

    For the first time in 50 years, Black and other journalists of color (JOC) are waging a public campaign to air newsroom grievances. How do we move away from 50 years of lip service to sustained newsroom diversity? This survey points the way.

  20. Tell us what you need to cover COVID-19

    By Ryan Pitts

    Posted on

    For the next several months, OpenNews and Big Local News will work with local journalists to develop resources their newsrooms can use to better cover COVID-19. What should that support look like? We don’t know yet! But you can help us figure it out.

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