
Projects walkthroughs, tool teardowns, interviews, and more.

  1. A Guide to Overcoming Debilitating Personality Traits

    By Emma Carew Grovum and Yoohyun Jung

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    How to navigate tricky social interaction and personality traits, with advice from SRCCON 2017.

  2. Social Engineering in Newsrooms with Hamilton and Burr

    By Hannah Birch

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    Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, two of the most successful guys operating during the dawn of American politics, faced a problem very similar to the ones we have in newsrooms today. They wanted to get things done at a breakneck pace, but the politics of dealing with other people slowed them down. Journalists have a similar issue. When you work in news, it can feel like working with other people is as much—or more—work as the journalism itself.

  3. All About the New ProPublica Site

    By Erin Kissane and David Sleight

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    A Q&A about how the new ProPublica site came to be.

  4. Things You Made, Aug 29

    By Lindsay Muscato

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    Our regular biweekly roundup of journalism + code projects.

  5. Acknowledging Our Full Selves

    By Erika Owens

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    We know that each of us brings our identities, our experiences, our communities with us into this work. We work to make SRCCON a space where folks can feel able to explore how our selves shape our journalism, and find support from one another. And this year, with a relentless news cycle and threats to our communities and journalism itself, we needed space to acknowledge both the pain and the power we carry with us.

  6. Event Roundup, August 28

    By Erika Owens

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    Next week, several journalism organizations band together for the Excellence in Journalism Conference, plus upcoming deadlines.

  7. How We Made the Washington Post Eclipse-Scroller

    By Bonnie Berkowitz, Armand Emamdjomeh, Laris Karklis, Denise Lu, and Tim Meko

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    With the coming eclipse, we wanted to build a very detailed map of the parts of America that would experience totality. We also wanted to show what the shadow of the eclipse would look like as it traversed the country.

  8. Journalism Needs Better Skills Testing

    By Rachel Schallom

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    The main takeaway was to be intentional about your hiring process.

  9. Caregiving in and around Journalism

    By Emily Goligoski

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    The pressures on news staff to be resourceful and to deliver have never been greater. The stresses involved are compounded by our day-to-day caregiving responsibilities for our children, parents, and friends, among others.

  10. Tell Us About Your Work in Journalism Tech

    By Erika Owens

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    Journalists spend a lot of time with data, sometimes that data is even about themselves. Last year, over 500 “news nerds”—the developers, designers, editors, data analysts, and product folks who work with tech and journalism every day—told us about their teams, newsrooms, and what would help them in this work. The results helped shape our work at Source and OpenNews, and folks found it so useful that we’ve brought it back as an annual News Nerd Survey.

  11. Same Diff: Following the Eclipse Trackers

    By David Yanofsky

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    A roundup of the custom-designed, interactive news items that helped readers prepare for and understand a solar eclipse.

  12. Text, Audio, and Meaning: Lessons from TextAV

    By Molly Schwartz

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    A look back at a three-day working group on how captions and transcripts can improve the audio and video production process.

  13. Shields Up: Get Your Malware Shots

    By Martin Shelton

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    Malware lets an unauthorized third party access or take control of your device. In practice, it’s become a catch-all term for a huge variety of malicious software. That could include software that hijacks computing resources, lets an attacker monitor your screen, keystrokes,microphone, or effectively turns your device into an expensive brick.

  14. Things You Made, Aug 17

    By Lindsay Muscato

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    Our latest roundup from the world of journalism and code.

  15. How We Built a Lifetime Eclipse Predictor

    By Denise Lu

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    The idea for our lifetime eclipse-finder project is based around a widely used NASA database of eclipse predictions. The data is dense (5,000 years worth) and I was surprised that nobody in the media dataviz community has really taken advantage of the dataset, in recent years at least.

  16. Event Roundup, August 14

    By Erika Owens

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    DjangoCon US this week, plus a bunch of local meetups next week.

  17. Farewell, SRCCON 2017

    By Erin Kissane and Lindsay Muscato

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    What we did on our summer vacation SRCCON 2017.

  18. SRCCON Spotlight: Sometimes I Sit and Think About Evergreen Content…

    By Matt Dennewitz and Michael Donohoe

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    A session on wrangling content, and learning from each other about how to solve common problems.

  19. Things You Made, Aug 1

    By Lindsay Muscato

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    Our latest roundup of journalism and code projects.

  20. Event Roundup, July 31

    By Erika Owens

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    Yay, it’s SRCCON time, plus some upcoming deadlines and other events this week.

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